Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Kitchen House

Next month (okay, okay, in a little over two weeks) we will be meeting at my house to talk about Kathleen Grissom's The Kitchen House.
It's an incredibly quick read, so pick it up and join us! I can't say I feel it has a whole lot of value for "substance" literature, but I can appreciate fluff on occasion, especially when life has been so busy lately. I do love to learn the background story of why authors choose to write, and she is one who chose to divulge. It just makes it more interesting to know where the idea sprang from.
The Kitchen House is written in an easy to read format and moves quickly to capture your interest. The theme felt a little underdeveloped, but I like what she was attempting to express.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Friday Night Book Club

So, I'm really excited to have a date Friday night. lol. Usually it's just the girls and myself at home doing pizza and a movie, but this week I'll get to see all of you!! It'll be at K's house. Email me if you need directions/info.
Anyway, we are going to be talking about Gregory Maguire's "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" which should be fun and entertaining.
Hope to see you there!!