Tuesday, May 17, 2011

'Nough Said

I don't really feel like I can brief this book without giving it all away. With that in mind, I'll just reference you to their webpage so you can browse and think and ...think. Just click this link!

A Woman's Prerogative

I've heard a million times that changing her mind is a woman's prerogative. So, in like manner, I'm changing the book for July. Instead of The Handmaid's Tale, we'll be reading The Princess Bride. I've heard that the book is "just like the movie" and, although I will agree with the same tone and satire, I would like to add that there are parts (significant or not) missing from the movie. Dig in, enjoy, and relive a modern classic!!
But, don't forget to read Freakonomics FIRST!!! That meeting is next month and has TONS to offer as far as discussion goes. It should be an interesting and entertaining meeting!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Onward we Go!

It was great to get together with the book club members last night. It's been so long since I've been able to attend and the numbers have been sparse the last few times I attended, so it was wonderful to have a good turnout and to discuss both the book and aspects of life.
We are gearing up for a great discussion on Freakonomics next month! I'm excited to talk about this book and the influence experts have on the way we view information and situations. It's not a textbook, but can be very influential to the way you look at the news, marketing, and even the way you interact you coworkers, friends and family.
So, enjoy May while reading a quick book and meet up with us next month to discuss it!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Getting Charged Up Again

Okay, so it has been several months since I posted anything here. I'm not sure if anyone is still following this way, but I wanted to send out a reminder of our meeting which will be happening this coming Tuesday, May 10th. We'll be talking about Mansfield Park. I know it's been awhile since some of you read this one, so dust off your memories (pull up spark notes or something) and refresh your minds on it and lets have a great discussion!!
See you then! Check your email for a confirmation of location.