Thursday, May 27, 2010

They Sure Do

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe might be the perfect novel for this point in the club. It seems that no matter how hard we try to shift things to make meetings more manageable with life, other things pop up. I can relate a bit with Okonkwo as he tries desperately to hang on to the way things have been. I'd love for book club to be as heavily attended as it has in the past, but, to quote John Lennon, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."
So, hang in there, everyone! We'll keep reading and meeting. Make it when you can. Definitely check out this month's read, though!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Choosing The Secret Garden for this past month's read coincided with our own vegetable garden growing and flourishing. The fascination with new growth and the anticipation of seeds to appear as plants is so fun, but it is even better with children. They become so excited when they see something come up, but they are also devastated when seeds don't work and never appear.
That powerful emotion of expectation motivates for good changes. Our oldest daughter has become a very healthy eater as she has watched these plants grow. She doesn't want to eat anything that doesn't help her body to grow and be healthy. I think she would have been a good influence on the children of Misselthwaite Manor.
Positive thinking and positive doing are definitely a prescription for happiness and improved living.