Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Relief on the Rise

I know this book has been a big one to tackle. I apologize for the amount required this month. Don't panic about where you are. There are still two weeks before we meet.
I also wanted to alleviate any stress about the next selection. I have another novel to recommend, but I have two plays to read as an alternative to the novel. The plays (yes, two, but they are short) will enable those who aren't able to finish Udolpho to continue reading in October-November and not feel like they are being left behind.
I had it in my head that a month's reading should be maxed out at about 400 pages, give or take a few. So, the next time we tackle such a huge book, we'll split it in half and meet twice on it (we'll HAVE to do that for Tolstoy or Dostoevsky).
So, relax and enjoy what you are reading. I think the pace is pushing things a bit, but don't stress. See if you can guess what "natural" occurrences are causing the mysterious/supernatural perceptions. It'll make the reading more interesting.

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